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We approach each funeral with the utmost respect and sensitivity, ensuring that we capture the service in a way that is both unobtrusive and respectful. Our experienced videographers are trained to handle these delicate moments with care, providing a discreet presence while documenting the service. We focus on capturing the heartfelt speeches, meaningful rituals, and the comforting presence of family and friends, creating a video that serves as a lasting memento of love and remembrance.

Colorado Funeral Videography

Funeral/Memorial Service




Up to one hour of ceremony coverage

(For additional hour add $150)


3-day-turnaround time


Multiple Camera Angles


Digital Delivery


*Add livestream for additional $150


Sample Funeral Video



Funeral/Memorial LiveStream 


Up to one hour of ceremony coverage

(For additional hour add $75)


Single stationary camera


Wireless mic available


Downloadable within 24 hrs of service conclusion



Sample Funeral Livestream



Why Choose Us?

  • Professional and Discreet: Our team is skilled in capturing the essence of the service without intruding on the moment. We understand the importance of maintaining a respectful presence.


  • High-Quality Production: Using state-of-the-art equipment, we ensure that every video we produce is of the highest quality, providing a clear and beautiful tribute.


  • Personalized Service: We work closely with families to understand their needs and preferences, tailoring our services to create a video that truly reflects the spirit of their loved one.


  • Timely Delivery: We recognize the importance of timely delivery during such a critical time. Our team is committed to providing prompt and professional service.

Out of respect, we don't post our memorial services on social media, however if you would like to view a sample of our work, we can certainly provide you with a link to do so.


Contact us today for more info

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